Götz Hamann

Head of Digital Editions

Götz Hamann is Head of Digital Editions at the weekly German newspaper DIE ZEIT.

Previously, he has served as deputy head of the economic department and economic editor at DIE ZEIT. He mainly writes about topics such as „media, internet and lobbyism“.

Born on December 11 in 1969, studied history and economic policies at the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster.

His journalistic career started with a traineeship at Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Later, he was one of the founding editors at Financial Times Deutschland.

• with Cerstin Gammelin: “Die Strippenzieher. Manager, Minister, Medien – wie Deutschland regiert wird”. Econ, Berlin 2005
• with Thomas Fischermann: “Zeitbombe Internet. Warum unsere vernetzte Welt immer störanfälliger und gefährlicher wird”. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2011
• List of authors on www.zeit.de http://www.zeit.de/autoren/H/Goetz_Hamann/index.xml
