Special Talk “In the Shadow of the US Elections” with POLITICO


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24 September 2024. The day after the final TV debate between the two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, four journalists discussed possible scenarios for the US at the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium: Adam Jasser (Deputy Director for News, TVP World, Poland), Tanit Koch (Journalist, The New European, Germany), Jakob Hanke Vela (Senior Correspondent, POLITICO) and Olga Rudenko (Editor-in-Chief, The Kyiv Independent, Ukraine). The discussion took place in cooperation with POLITICO and was moderated by Jürgen Klöckner, Head of Pros and Senior Political Reporter, POLITICO Germany. Two of the central questions were what a possible victory of President Trump or President Harris would mean for Ukraine and how Ukraine views the US elections.