
Review of the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium 2019

Potsdam, 27 October 2019. The M100 Sanssouci Colloquium (M100SC) on “From Pipedream to Realitiy – Democracy and the European Public Sphere” took place on 17 September 2019 in the Orangery Palace for the 15th time. About 60 editors-in-chief, politicians and historians discussed the future of the European public sphere, the state of press freedom and media innovation. Find here the detailed summary of the media conference.

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Review of the M100 Young European Journalists Workshop 2019

Potsdam, 14 October 2019. The M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (M100YEJ) took place for the 15th time this year. Among the many highly qualified young journalists from Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and Russia, 25 participants* were finally selected to attend a diverse workshop on “Reading in the Digital World – Innovative Journalism” from 9 to 18 September 2019.
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M100 Feature of Alex Berlin


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Potsdam, 01 October 2019. Alex Berlin attended the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium on 17 September and published a 20-minute feature with interviews and excerpts from the conference and award ceremony. The film is published on YouTube. English subtitles are available.